JAZZMEDIA at jazzahead! 2007 | Crossing Borders

jazzmedia_jazzahead2007.jpgJAZZMEDIA welcome you at this year's JAZZAHEAD in the so-called "Länderhalle" near the the French Music Office.

Find out which projects and International acts we are working on and meet us personally.

See you in Bremen from March 8 till 11, 2007!

After the big success of the first jazz trade in 2006, JAZZAHEAD 2007 open other windows, to put the whole spectrum of the European Jazz scene in the picture. JAZZAHEAD - that's a lively concentrate of a public festival and expert fair. A real place for exchange: here musicians, journalists, promoters, agencies, labels and jazz fans come together on the same eye level.

This year's "European Exchange" program shines on the scenes of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Italy and Hungary. With the support of the European commission JAZZAHEAD and its team follow their vision of real networking and pull off a great coup.

Each country send out two bands of different stylistics, while on the other side German ensembles perform at festivals and in clubs of these partner countries.

What about the significance of European Jazz?

From March, 8-11, 2007 many subjects are on the table in Bremen at the Congress center.

For further detail informations about the exciting program and the different subjects of JAZZAHEAD 2007 please follow this link: